At times we travel next to I-5 and actually pass some of the cars caught in traffic. The route follows Telegraph Ave, which is a fast road. I'm feeling rather happy about my choice until the bus engine stops. Immediately I think, "another breakdown." And I can't even see the downtown skyline through the smog, so this would be a long walk. But the bus starts up, and we begin moving again, although as the bus takes off I notice a loud groaning I hadn't heard before.
I am soon back absorbed in my book until somewhere around Alameda and 6th the bus stops again, and this time everybody starts getting off the bus. I get off as well, and start asking fellow riders what happened. They look at me blankly. Nobody seems to care, it's just the routine breakdown. One man tells me angrily "Ask the bus driver!" Asking a bus rider why the bus broke down is like asking a teenager why he has pimples: it just adds to his humiliation about something he can do nothing about.

I begin to walk, at least now I am only a mile or so from downtown, but a man calls me. "Hey you! Another bus is coming!" I run back. Actually there are two buses, and I am just in time for the second, which has plenty of space since most of the abandoned already are on the first. Another assist from a random rider saves the day.
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