Why don't more people go dumpster diving at In n Out? Everybody knows it's the Dom Perignon of the fast food burger--not that pink champagne you used to buy at Walgreens to wash down the hot sauce soaked through two slices of white bread and fries underneath a half chicken from Harold's.

People don't take it because most Angelenos live, work and play more than a half mile from the nearest stop. And even if a stop was convenient, if you plan on going out in the evening, plan on taking at least 3 times longer than going by car.
This is not the Met--it's not even the 7 line to beautiful Jackson Heights.
This is the Red Line--NoHo to Skid Row.
Oh, but you can have the rest of my fries.
I doubt that the Red Line takes three times longer than traveling by car. I take it almost every day.
Why don't more people take the subway in L.A.?
More people DO take the subway in L.A.!
More people use Metrorail than any other city in the U.S. except four: New York, Chicago, Washington and San Francisco. We have more people using it than Boston, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Atlanta or Miami, depending on which figures you use.
Thanks so much for you comment!
A couple of responses:
Note I say "in the evening" it will take three times longer. This is when service is infrequent and the freeways are less crowded.
As for more people using Metrorail than any other city in the U.S--
First, that's not saying much, since U.S. cities have horrible public transit.
See my post
Second, overall rail use is somewhat misleading since we also have the second largest population in the country. I'm not sure what the stats are as a percentage of population, maybe you have those numbers?, but overall L.A. is number 34 in percentage of commuters using transit, .
below even Atlanta
I hope you keep reading and commenting!
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