Reading through the suggestions, what is striking is how often there is a blame the other guy attitude: "What if every car on the road maintained two car lengths in front so that others could easily merge on and off the freeways?", "Make it illegal to circumvent traffic by using an exit lane and merging back in at the last moment," "Require drivers to follow the laws and keep to the right except when passing. Drivers in the left lane impede traffic cutting down efficient use of the highway"--it's as if all we need to do is send everybody to driving school for rumbling bumpkins.
On the other hand, even among people whose knowledge of buses is likely being annoyed when they are stuck behind them, a large number recognize the need to improve public transit. A few even recognize the fast and inexpensive solution of bus only lanes, proposed by the BRU several years back. One writer suggests, "Make Sepulveda Blvd. through the Sepulveda Pass a bus only throughway during peak traffic periods with no private vehicle access unless you are a resident or carpooling."
Meanwhile, in a January 26 editorial, the LA Times calls for higher fares and reduced service! Why don't they just call for a tax break to coal plants that increase emissions? They must be living in the other dimension that string theorists hypothesize, where traffic in L.A. is no more a problem then ice cream on the face of your three year old niece. Just lick it off.
Why not go to the MTA, 1 Gateway Plaza, on Valentines Day, February 14, and give the board members a message at a special meeting on fare hikes. L.A. needs more bus service not less! No fare hikes!
We love you but this is L.A. not Mister Roger's Neighborhood. Wash your face.
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